
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

If I'm A Writer, Why Is It So Difficult To Keep This Darn Blog Current

So, I claim to be a writer.  I've written and sold, at a minimum, six million words over the past three decades.  So, can somebody please tell me why it is so difficult to keep this darn blog current?

At any rate, patience please.  The new book, The Mystery Of The Shaman's Secret should, according to my publisher, be out before Christmas in both paperback and electronic versions and the book about the on-going assault on rural lifestyles in America should hit the shelves in January or so.

For now, back to work on some articles I have due.

Friday, August 16, 2013

draft art of new book cover

I have a new book coming out in the next couple of months.  The Mystery Of The Shaman's Secret was written by Ed Kaplan and myself.  It takes place in ancient China (about 200 AD). 

Here's a draft of the artwork for the cover; rendered by Tom Hovde, one of Whatcom County's foremost artists, whether fine art or business commercial art and design.

Available Soon From Amazon, Kindle And Other Leading Outlets
Jack Petree's adventure/suspense/mystery Dangerous Game is available now from Amazon and Kindle.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Accent On Murder - A Free Short Story

The cop was so excited he had to restrain himself from shouting into the phone.
“Lieutenant?  Lieutenant?  Is that you?  This is Stolpes, sir.”
The cop didn’t need to hold the phone next to his ear as he listened to his irate superior vent.
“Yessir.  I do know it’s three o’clock in the morning sir and you can believe I wouldn’t wake you for the world sir, but we got this problem here sir and we need help.”
If anything the intensity and volume erupting from the cell phone the patrolman held in his hand increased.  The Lieutenant was still irate.
“ I know this had better be good sir.  I don’t want to be walking a beat for the rest of my life any more than you want to put me there sir but…”
An abrupt interruption could be heard all the way across the room the patrolman called from.  “Yes, sir.  I’ll get on with it sir.” 
“What happened sir is we think Nick Petrone just killed Tony the Rat but we don’t know whether we can arrest him or not.”
Again the excited voice on the other end of the call interrupted.
“No, sir; I am not drunk.  I know as well as you do that if the mob thought Nick had killed Tony a contract would go out on Nick but don’t forget, sir, if they believe Tony died naturally Nick would be next in line for the position.”
Another interruption.
“You’re right sir.  It would have to be clever, and it was.  That’s why I had to call you at this hour.  I honestly don’t know whether I can arrest Nick and make it stick.”
Others in the room were treated to a long silence.  At least the Lieutenant seemed to be calming down.
“Yes sir!  I’ll explain.”
“You know, sir, how famous Tony the Rat’s collection of glass birds is…er, was?  Everybody kids him about it.  I’m standing in the middle of Tony’s living room and there must be three thousand birds displayed in this room alone.
Well, sir.  You’ve also heard that as much as Tony loved birds, he hated snakes.  It was a phobia with him.  I’ve heard it said he wouldn’t even go to the park for fear he would run into a snake. 
Pretty funny isn’t it sir?  A snake like Tony being afraid of the real thing?”
This time the cop had to hold the phone well away from his ear.  “You’re right sir, not at this time of the morning.”
“Anyway, sir, when we get here we find a doctor’s report on the night stand in Tony’s room.  It’s a report on Tony’s bad heart and it says he has to avoid stress.  The doc says he doesn’t have to give up doing business.  He just has to take it easy because his heart’s tired and any sudden or heavy strain might cause it to give out.  I think, sir, that report must have set Nick to thinking.
Seems to me the result of all that thinking was that Nick arrived at Tony’s house this morning with a big package in his hands.  It was all wrapped up like a birthday present.  He handed it to Tony and that’s where things got sticky.
Nick admits, and the maid confirms, that Tony asked Nick was in the box.  Nick says he told Tony the box had a boid in it.  The maid confirms that too.  In fact, she confirms Nick’s whole story and I’m pretty sure she isn’t lying to us.”
Once again a series of squeaks and squawks were emitted from the phone. 
“It’s spelled B-O-I-D sir.”
The phone rattled again.
“It is important, sir.  Believe me.
The problem is the box had a six foot snake in it and when Tony opened the box and reached in the snake popped out and Tony popped off.”
Again the interruption.  “Yes sir.  Not this time of morning.  I understand, sir.”
“Anyway sir, the coroner says it looks like it was Tony’s heart all right.  The sudden shock was more than his heart could handle.  When Tony reached in and grabbed that snake it was the same as if Nick had held a gun to his heart and pulled the trigger.”
“Why do I think it was murder, sir?”
The snake was a boa constrictor and it belongs to a family of snakes called the boidae, or, for short, the boids.
I would never have known that but when we asked Nick if we could search his car he agreed and guess what we found?”
A pause while Stoples listened. 
“I know, sir.  How could I expect you to guess about something like that.”
“It turns out our Nick just happened to have a copy of Gizimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia tucked away in his car.  Not the whole thing, just volume six and, sure enough, on page 363 there’s a chapter on Boids.  Nick claims that he was just trying to help Tony get over his fear of snakes cause all the people in “The Family” used to laugh at Tony for being afraid.”
The volume coming from the phone was going up again. 
“What’s that got to do with homicide, sir?  Well sir, if Nick trapped Tony into opening the box without warning him about the snake we’ve got ourselves a clear case of murder because Nick knew how afraid of snakes Tony was.  Nick also admits he knew about the bad heart.  But if Nick told Tony about the snake we’ve got no case at all.”
“Yes sir, I’ll get to it.”
“So I ask you Lieutenant, how would you pronounce a word spelled “B-O-I-D?”
After a moment the policeman continued.  “The dictionary?  It says it’s B-O like a bow and arrow and I-D like Freud would say it.  The problem is that when Nick uses the word it comes out sounding exactly like Detective Boyd’s name. 
You see, Lieutenant, Nick and Tony were both from Brooklyn.  Tony thought he was getting another little boid for his collection but Nick insists he told Tony it was a snake. 
That’s why I called, Lieutenant?  Can we arrest a man because he has an accent?”
 Copyright Jack Petree  -  If you like the story don't forget to share 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Upcoming Books

It's been really hard to keep the old bottom glued to the computer and get my "real" writing done. 

Nevertheless, I do have a new work of fiction in the hands of the publisher.  Now I have to work on cover design, final reads and all the boring and time consuming work following the writing of a book.  It is a historical mystery taking place in ancient China tentatively titled "The Mystery of the Shaman's Secret."  The book was co-authored with Ed Kaplan, one of my oldest and best friends who died while the book was still in a draft form.  I hope I did a good job finishing it up Ed!

Whatcom County's Pop-Environmental Activists Consider This To Be "Sprawl" As They Seek To End Small Scale Agriculture

Also, work continues, however slowly, on a work to be titled something like, You're Next!  The Assault On Traditional Rural Lifestyles In America.  The book will use the Whatcom County experience in exploring recent trends designed to remove the choice of a traditional rural lifestyle as millions wish to enjoy it and replace that choice with a requirement that most new residents in an area are to be forced to live in high density developments inside the cities of America.  I'm hoping the thing will be ready for the marketplace by fall.

I'm also hoping to have another short story to offer at no charge on this site sometime soon.  If you didn't read the last one yet feel free to scroll down through the blogs on this page.

I continue to write for farm and forestry magazines and to pursue a legal challenge to the removal of nearly 9,000 acres of land from the Whatcom County timber resource.  That effort is consuming huge amounts of time because I can't afford a lawyer so I have to write the challenges, briefs and other legal materials myself.  Learn more about that effort at

In the meantime, you can buy Dangerous Game in paperback or electronic versions at Amazon.

Thanks for checking in.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Working On "Bellingham National Bank - The Bank That Built Bellingham"

Beginning work on gaining support for a local history of Bellingham National Bank.  The history, at least as presently envisioned, will include short histories of some of Bellingham's old companies that have survived for 50, 75, or even 100 or more years. 

Many of those company's histories were intertwined with the history of the bank.  Check out the journal entry below and see how many companies you can spot that were doing business with "The Bank" in 1938 and are still around today.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Hope You Enjoy This Short Story "Ripped From The Headlines" Of The Last Week

If you enjoy the following story I would appreciate it if you would "share" this blog address to your friends on your facebook page.

Uncivil War

The President stood, his face gaunt, head bowed, hands resting on his desk, contemplating the documents he was about to sign.    
Grieved at the thought of having to put his signature to parchment he thought back, recalling the events in the first months of his term leading up to the awful situation he found himself in today.
The rebellion had first taken deep root in South Carolina where a state convention had declared the nation morally and fiscally bankrupt.  Secession had been proposed and even seriously considered.  Emboldened, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas had rapidly followed suit.  Now, many more states were threatening similar action.
“I must take firm steps now.  The nation expects nothing less.”
One more time the nation’s Chief Executive read the Presidential Proclamation he’d caused to be put to paper; a document more familiarly known as the Lincoln Proclamation of 1862:
Whereas, it has become necessary to call into service not only volunteers but also portions of the militia of the States by draft in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States, and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary processes of law from hindering this measure and from giving aid and comfort in various ways to the insurrection;
Now, therefore, be it ordered, first, that during the existing insurrection and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all Rebels and Insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice, affording aid and comfort to Rebels against the authority of United States, shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by Courts Martial or Military Commission:
Second. That the Writ of Habeas Corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall be, imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement by any military authority of by the sentence of any Court Martial or Military Commission.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.”
The President knew the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had already threatened to nullify suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus so a warrant for the Justice had also been prepared.   
Arresting the nation’s chief judge would be a controversial move but, the action was necessary to the maintenance of peace.  As many as 40,000 citizens were already under Executive arrest and warrants for thousands more were in place, ready for execution.  Were the Justice to ignore suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus chaos would result as all those arrested would demand the right to appear before a judge to determine the validity of the arrest.  Suspending Habeas Corpus would keep the matter in military courts with no recourse other than waiting for those arrested aside from hoping for some future trial date and some future resolution.
Last, the President perused the proclamation that would create the most anguish in the nation’s press, the suspension of this fall’s elections until such time as the President should declare the rebellion to be at an end.  “At least,” he thought, “My supporters are loyal.  Most of them will understand.”
Steeling himself, the President signed the papers, swept them up and strode out to meet his advisors.
Applause erupted as the President entered the room where his Cabinet had gathered.
“It’s done,” he told the small group, once the applause had subsided.  “Are we ready?”
Pointing, the President asked, “Janet?”
“Our strategy has worked perfectly,” came the reply.  “At present we have about 4.5 billion rounds of ammunition stockpiled.   More important, we’ve kept the factories busy with our work so both the military and the law enforcement agencies who might oppose us are in short supply.  They’ve learned to be dependent on us for their rounds.  Our fleet of armored vehicles has been strategically deployed to allow us to move substantial force anywhere in the nation with twenty-four hour’s notice”
“FEMA Corp is up to strength and integrated into leadership positions across the nation,” came the answer.  “The logistical plans are in place to assure areas supporting our cause will be fully supplied with food and other necessities.  Areas declared to be in rebellion will have to do without.  Should minds change and the rebellion end in a region we can be providing supplies within hours as a demonstration of our good will towards those who support us.”
“Thank you Chris, and how about Justice, Michelle.”
“Justice is ready, Mr. President.  We have 140,000 drones ready to launch when needed and, of course, the national network we established last year allows us to tap into nearly any legally licensed security camera in the country.  Of course, all that would only be supplemental to our own system of surveillance cameras.”
The President, despite the seriousness of the situation, could not suppress the famous grin.  “Well, he said.  “It looks as though we’ve got four more years.”
The Vice President leaped to his feet, fist pumping the air.  “Yes!” he exclaimed, some thought inappropriately, “A Threepeat!”
Once again, applause filled the air.

Copyright by Jack Petree

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Story Behind Dangerous Game And, Upcoming, A Free Short Story

Otto Skorzeny was once considered to be one of the most dangerous men in the world.  Called, “Hitler’s Commando,” Skorzeny was responsible for rescuing Mussolini from captors planning to turn him over to the allies and, after World War II, is credited with helping leading Nazi officials and sympathizers escape to destinations around the world, especially to South America.
Dangerous Game is a speculation based on fact.  What if Skorzeny came to America, at Hitler’s command, to begin the work needed to establish a Fourth Reich; one based in the United States? 

Dangerous Game is available in both Kindle and print at  To order, or to learn more about Jack Petree’s work in general simply go to 
And by the way, visit this site again.  The next blog will include a free short story for your reading pleasure.